Bluebell Railway, "Giants of Steam", 22nd Oct'06
City of Truro was the special guest, on loan from York. It was the first engine to ever pull a train at 100mph, and a very welcome sight on the Bluebell railway. Shame the autumn weather was so nasty, driving rain from 1045 onwards all day.....!

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City of Truro & Earl of Berkeley double heading out of the Sharpthorne Tunnel

City of Truro is the star of the Giants of Steam weekend, on loan from the National Railway museum @ York

Look how many people are hanging out of the windows! This double header formation has never been done before....!

Closer shot of the City of Truro

1638 waits at Horsted Keynes for the north run to Kingscote, with 75027 arriving southbound

75027 at Sheffield Park ready to head northbound

me & 75027 in the rain!

The double header has arrived into the other platform, signal drops, full head of steam...

...brakes off and away she goes

Very wide angle shot as she steams out of Sheffield park, with Lee on the right too

Arty wide angle motion blur shot as 75027 steams past

From the nose of City of Truro to the Earl of Berkeley - two GWR engines at Sheffield Park

The name says it all....!

City of Truro at Kingscote in the rain, just shunted for the reverse facing leg to Horsted Keynes

Lee took this of me with the wide angle - trying not to get the lens wet was very difficult, until I borrowed Sarah's brolly...!

The Earl and City of Truro building up steam, ready to depart when 1638 arrives

The lovely 1638 shunting to join the train for the reverse run back to Horsted Keynes

80151 (wearing 80154 for some reason!) arriving from Kingscote makes up the 4th passenger train for the public to ride on

The afternoon pairing was reversed, so the Earl led the City of Truro...

...seen here climbing from Horsted Keynes towards Kingscote. Great sight, shame we got so wet though...!

Please do click here to visit The Bluebell Railway website, it's full of great photos and all sorts of info about the loco's, rolling stock, buildings and everything about the railway. Special pages of note, are details of the ongoing track expansion, north of Kingscote, to East Grinstead.
I have added links to the relevant Loco's websites below that I have featured here.

SR U-class, No.1638
Class: U
Wheels: 2-6-0
Built: 1931
Website Link
BR Standard, No.75027
Class: 4MT
Wheels: 4-6-0
Built: 1952
Website Link
No. 3440
"City of Truro"
Built: 1903
Website Link - CoT @ Bluebell
GWR Earl Class
No. 9017
"Earl of Berkeley"
Wheels: 4-4-0
Built: 1938
Website Link
BR Standard
No. 80151
Class: 4MT
Wheels: 2-6-4T
Website Link

© Dave Jefferys 2005